"Take no heed of her...She reads a lot of books."
~Jasper Fforde

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


First semester of English classes without anthologies....this is my life.


  1. Finally getting away from those nasty "smatterings" as a certain professor would say...I have an anthology for my French class this term and it makes me sad...the intro material is all in gosh-darned English :(

  2. While I'm obviously a champion for my native tongue, I agree that a French anthology (where the pieces are in French) should have introductions written in French as well.

  3. Exactly!! I believe even the notes are in English and the Medieval French was translated...I know that makes it easier, but I'm about ready to go whip out my copy of Le Roman de la Rose and a Medieval French lexicon to tackle the original out of spite...if only I hadn't already commenced reading Proust, which I bought in France, so all the appendices are as they should be :)

  4. as a history major, i am in the same boat

  5. @Gabrielle...

    I can somewhat understand the translation of the Medieval French, seeing as it is more complicated; but knowing you, I'd assume this is an upper level French course, and y'all should be able to handle it, just fine.

  6. @sarahkasper....

    You should see the bag of books I'm taking back to campus! It weighs about twenty pounds, haha.


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