"Take no heed of her...She reads a lot of books."
~Jasper Fforde

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

A Social Distancing Hello

Hey, all!

Not sure if anyone still reads this blog (geez...how many posts do I start with that??)  But, I wanted to reach out and say "Hello".  It's been a long while since I've last posted.  Since everyone is stuck at home (or most of us are) because of COVID-19, I thought it might be nice to reach out.  (Special thanks to a very dear old friend who encouraged me to get back into the blogging scene).

The library where I work closed about a month ago because of Coronavirus, so I've been trying to get used to a completely stagnant pace.  And honestly, a month in, I've been really enjoying it.  I love the quiet, the time to read and write and work on crafts.  Sure, I get scared sometimes about getting sick (and about my loved ones getting sick).  And I get stir-crazy sometimes, too.  But, I'm adapting.  And I'm remembering how much I used to love lazy college days (like back when I started this blog), just relaxing and getting to know myself again.

It's been different.  It's been difficult.  But, I hope all of you are keeping safe.  And if you're out there reading this, feel free to leave me a comment, so that we can continue the conversation.  I'd especially love to hear from my old blogging buds (you all know who you are).  If you're still out there, drop me a line.  Your friendships were always so precious to me, back when I was learning to find myself as a moody teen.  Now, I'm reconnecting with myself again.  I'd love to reconnect with you, too.

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