"Take no heed of her...She reads a lot of books."
~Jasper Fforde

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Vampire Stars

During the course of my Internet travels on Stumbleupon.com, I found this very interesting article that I thought would tie into my current Dracula theme rather nicely. Whether or not there actually are such things as "vampire stars," I'd have to say that my interest has been peaked, and I might just have to read a bit more into the topic. After all, I've always been interested in both vampires and astronomy....in the meantime, I'd thought I'd share the article on here for all of you to enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. i don't really like the term "vampire stars" as an object can't parasitise another object. I wonder how age is determined. the size of the star plus a spectrograph analysis would determine the age of a normal star. I suppose that the age of contained binary star systems can be worked out but the more hydrogen a star contains the faster it ages so the amount of hydrogen absorbed must be minimal.(it sounds like a paradox but the more fuel a star has the shorter the time that it exists)

    to be 11 billion years old the star would have to be quite small and would contain only hydrogen and helium (being to old and small to contain iron or other heavy elements)

    I would guess that it's true and very interesting, though not for the reasons the article suggests


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