"Take no heed of her...She reads a lot of books."
~Jasper Fforde

Monday, July 19, 2010

Coraline: The Musical

As a had mentioned in my post about Spring Awakening, I've checked out several CDs at the library...and the second on my list is Coraline: The Musical. I am a huge fan of Neil Gaiman's work. I can't get enough of his short stories, and I personally loved his novel Coraline. So far, though, I haven't seen the movie, but I've read the graphic novel (creepy, but also wonderful). So, when I saw the musical at the library, I thought it might be fun to listen to.

I'm disappointed :( The music is creepy, but the lyrics are all rather mundane. They don't have any depth, and the overall impression I got from them is that they had nothing better to write songs about, so they wrote about electric green gloves or being a cat. But, even then, they couldn't make it exciting.

The casting was strange as well, with Mrs. Forcible sounding rather like a man, while the Other Mother actually was a man. And, the eleven-year-old protagonist Coraline was played by a woman in her fifties, which didn't make any sense to me at all. :S


  1. HAHAHAHA that sounds wank :P the book's so cool and creepy

  2. You know, there's a movie out that I saw at my aunt's...that was pretty good, although not a musical :P

  3. I know there's a movie, I just haven't seen it, although, I've read the original book prolly at least seven times. :P


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