"Take no heed of her...She reads a lot of books."
~Jasper Fforde

Friday, June 4, 2010

Emmy's Library Bag #1

The Brother and I have been biking up to the library twice a week, as well as checking out books at the other local library we attend (which is just too far away to bike to right now). But, since this is a book blog, and you all know that I want to be a librarian, I thought that I could keep you posted on what's in my Library Bag and what I'm checking out. Tell me what you guys think! For today, sadly there is not much to talk about. Black Adder was ready for us, so we rode our bikes up to the library to retrieve the nice, cleaned DVD. We re-watched the first episode, and enjoyed it much more without all the skipping :P

I'm currently reading A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole, but am not far enough into it to make a fair judgement. Tonight, the Brother and I finish off the Ripping Yarns series! :D


  1. I just got back from the library! Got the second season of Arrested Development, which I've decided I'm not allowing myself to watch until I work at least two hours on my paper. We'll see how long that lasts.

    PS. I must clarify that this boy was not a crush of mine. We'd all known he was gay forever, I just thought it was bitterly ironic. Hahahaha!

  2. nice pic ;) as i said before the first serise of slackbladder is pretty poor compared to the other three. I'm quite looking forward to hearing what you think of 'goes forth' :)

  3. @Javmango...

    I can't wait to continue the series. We're going to finish up Ripping Yarns, and should be starting Black Adder by Sunday or Monday :)

  4. I wanted to be a librarian but it didn't work out. I flew airplanes instead now it's too late but I still want to be a librarian.

  5. @Oldfool...

    Its not too late to become a librarian. I'm having a lot of trouble finding a summer job, but if I can't, I'm going to volunteer my summer at the libraries in the area for experience. I did this last year and it was wonderful! Perhaps this is an option you could explore?


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