"Take no heed of her...She reads a lot of books."
~Jasper Fforde

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

31 Days of Halloween #13

PHONE GUY: Well, it looks like you've made it to your third day.  Good!  Not many people have made it this far.  So, hang in there!  Today, we have a collection of FNAF videos from different parody groups on Newgrounds.  I hope you enjoy watching these and generally have a good (but somewhat scary) time.

Day 13: Five Nights at Freddy's (Day 3)

Night Guard Mike and Toy Bonnie

First up, we have Five Nights at Freddy's: The Prequel.  This is a silly little animation (that I rather enjoyed) which focuses on the infamous "Freddy Head" from the later games.  (The animatronics are trying to find you and stuff you into a costume, so wearing the Freddy head makes them think you're an animatronic, too).  Unfortunately, this doesn't work for all of them.  Foxy still knows that you're the night guard.

This second one is an original animation that takes some of the reactions and comments from Markiplier and arranges them into a story.  Markiplier has done stuff like this on his own channel, but his videos tend to be a collection of moments, like a "best of" gag reel, while this is an actual story (of sorts).  If you would like a straight up "best of," then I suggest checking out my post for Day 11 here.  Just a heads up.  This video is a lot darker than the first one, so be prepared for a jump in mood here.

And finally, this last one is not a video, but a game.  I'm not sure if any of you actually enjoy dating simulators, but I think they can be fun every once in a while.  Also, this one is a lot easier than most of the ones you can find online, which take up a TON of time and yield little results.  If you've ever wondered what life could be like attempting to woo a murderous robot in a animal suit, now you can!  Try to win the heart of Freddy, Foxy, or a surprisingly adorable Springtrap in this Newgrounds game here.

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