"Take no heed of her...She reads a lot of books."
~Jasper Fforde

Monday, April 19, 2010

Dorm Selection

Today's the day the Roomie and I get to select our dorm room for the next school year. We had it all planned out; the dorm we wanted was close to all the campus buildings, was similar in setup to the dorm we have right now, and we were hoping for a room on the second floor. Well, there was one sticky issue...

We had signed up for a substance free floor.

So...what's the problem, right? I mean, I wanted to be on a substance free floor! Well, there's only one sub-free floor (no alcohol or drugs) on campus for upperclassmen, and that's across the street at a separated part of campus. Oh, and its the third floor. We tried to change our preferences, so that we would not have to be restricted to this one floor, but Residence Life told us that we're basically stuck on this floor, and we just have to make the best of it.

So, the Roomie and I were pretty disappointed, until we realized that one of the BIG CORNER dorm rooms was open! The Roomie has already been in one of these before, and she tells me that there's a definite difference between a normal room and a BIG CORNER room. I'm sooo excited! I guess every cloud really does have a silver lining.

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