"Take no heed of her...She reads a lot of books."
~Jasper Fforde

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Weekly Wodehouse #7

Her eye swiveling round stopped me like a bullet. The Wedding Guest, if you remember, had the same trouble with the Ancient Mariner.

~P.G. Wodehouse

N.B. This is more of an English Major joke than anything else, so for those of you who are not familiar with The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, here is the full text:



  1. One time, my friend Cody was making a comment in class when we were discussing "Rime of the Ancient Mariner," and he goes, "Yeah so when he says, 'instead of the cross, the applesauce...'" and stops, totally horrified. And our professor just busted up laughing. Classic. :-)

  2. @Chess...

    Lol; too funny! :P


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