"Take no heed of her...She reads a lot of books."
~Jasper Fforde

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Willoughby vs. Odysseus

I've realized something over the past week or so. Being with someone is supposed to be wonderful. Relationships are not supposed to be so hard to deal with, so frustrating as it always was for me with Willoughby. That's not a healthy relationship, and thinking it over now, I see that it would have only become progressively worse for me. If he thought it was okay to call me "broad" and "bitch" before we were even dating, I can't imagine what would have been in store for me if I was officially "his girl". <:/

Odysseus is different. He's always happy to see me; with Willoughby, it was always impossible to tell. Odysseus is kind, thoughtful, and sweet. He empowers me instead of putting me down for being a woman. He wants to spend time with me, and initiates chances for us to be together. Willoughby always made me make the move, partially (I believe) because he "could not be bothered" and partially because he liked being chased; it boosted his ego.

I don't want to rush into anything, but I'm very, very happy right now. And I can see already that this is a much healthier relationship than Willoughby could have ever provided for me. I'm not saying that I should be put on a pedestal, but I don't think that the woman should have to be the one who's doing ALL the work in the relationship; it has to be a give and take, and I was never getting that before. I don't know if anything will come of this relationship, but its wonderful, and I'm having the time of my life.

There is a man in my life who makes me feel as though my heart wants to fly away, and I love him for it. This is a shout-out to him, even though I know he doesn't read my blog... Odysseus, thank you for making me so happy! I'm so blessed!


  1. It's good that you know what you want and even better that you have found someone that wants you. This willoughby chap sounds to be interested only in him self, better off without him :)

  2. Lucky you :).


    Bad relationships are, well... bad.

    *blushes in front of literature student*

  3. @TheSovietChairman...

    No need to blush over grammar :P I would have put it the same way!

  4. There are tough times too even if loving feelings are mutual. But as long as the good times compensate respectively undo them, it's totally worth it :) good luck Penelope!

  5. @Fabulea...

    Thank you for your caring reminder. Yes, I know that there are going to be rough patches, but I care for this man very much, and I'm hoping his feelings for me are the same. If they are, we should be able to work through it. Right now, the two of us are in that tender position of our budding relationship where we try as hard as we can not to tread on each other's toes (although he once stepped on my foot--ouch) :P I'm not looking forward to the first fight, or any that will come after it, but it's to be expected, and for now, I try to focus on the good things. Again, thank you :)


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