"Take no heed of her...She reads a lot of books."
~Jasper Fforde

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Odysseus 2

I waited for you on the rocky outcroppings;
sitting on the rocks before the ships
as they sailed in and out of the bay.
And I planted a prayer in my heart
that I would find you at your haunting.

And you came.

I said a prayer to Jove that you would see me;
look up on the rock face
and notice I was there;
but your eyes did not stray in my direction.

I whispered your name onto the wind
and you heard my voice and came to me.

I could listen to you talk for hours,
Odysseus, my love;
but the tide called you away,
"I have sails to mend," you told me,
"But I will come back when I have them,
and sit with you a little longer."

You returned with sails for mending,
and I watched you from the rocky cliff,
watched you work and then
rest in the golden sand.

And you made me smile.


The cafe was dark, barely lit,
but you came and found me anyways,
and filled the room with light
by your presence, and your music.
And I listened, barely able
to hear the notes,
but it was beautiful because it was you.

And again, you saw me, Odysseus.
But you did not turn away
as I thought you would.
It would have been so easy to forget
that I was there.

But you came to me.

And you filled me with joy
at the sound of your voice;
and I felt so honored that you,
Odysseus, the king among men,
would choose to be in my presence;
Me, Penelope,
a girl of the kingdom, an acquaintance,
not even a friend or a lover.

And my heart sang the melody you played
in that little cafe.

And you made me smile.

1 comment:

  1. [im] ghoS Daq jaH [makeout] tlhej wIj [boyfriend] DaH 'ej [ignore] nuq SoH [just] ja'ta' *facepalm*


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